Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Muse Stirs...

I've been busy doing other things lately, mostly working and helping keep the day-to-day running, but every so often I get a chance to sit and "do something else". Yesterday, I was cleaning tools out of the studio--preparing it to serve as our living space during the impending remodel of the house--when I decided to listen to some music via YouTube. Somehow, the musical vein I was chasing ended up playing this song/video by Johnny Hollow:

To make a potentially long story much shorter, I really wish I could create this kind of art. I would use it in so many ways, but alas, I have too many competing demands to learn how at the moment. Perhaps someday. I must buy their albums soon! In the meantime, I will have to merely enjoy the wonderful music that Johnny Hollow has created... and journey through the "mindscapes" their music is painting in my brain. Have time to listen? Check out the playlist or click on the "Watch on YouTube" link in the video below...