Wednesday, April 22, 2009

AFK... Again!

Geez... it seems that I am struggling to find time to do many things lately, and posting new blog entries is one of them. Well, posting and responding to email are two of them. Okay, posting, email, and getting delayed projects back up and running are... Bah! Chief among the things I need to find time to do are blogging, emailing, working on projects, and writing.

I guess I need to step back and address things one at a time, in an orderly fashion, perhaps even micro-manage myself for a while until I get back on track.

I'll post soon. Really. No, seriously, I will.

[apologies to Monty Python]


  1. Sure, we've heard that before. No wait... I've said that before.

    I have no room to castigate you for tardiness, considering it's been more than a month since I've updated my "twice a week" webcomic.

  2. I think Stone Brewery needs a page on Facebook. See what you can do about that, eh? :)

    who's trying to get back to normal post levels on his own website....

  3. Were you being facetious or were you having a hard time finding Stone's facebook page? :)
