Strangely enough, I started with the webcam. I had most of the parts laying around the garage and studio, so I started assembly one Saturday afternoon....

It was time to start cutting and dry-fitting

and a little more dry-fitting

Things were coming together, so I started the glue-up

Looking good so far, so I picked up a webcam off of eBay. I also added a peephole from a door and some dryer venting in lieu of a rectangular-folded, black canvas-covered paper "bellows" between the lens and "photographic plate". I know how to fold one, but felt I'd go a slightly different direction for visual impact. That's also part of the yet-to-be-told backstory for this piece of retro-future gear.

The webcam arrived, so rough assembly needed to happen. That turned out to be trickier to incorporate than I initially thought, as the USB connector demanded some stubbornly large holes to be made throughout the candlestick pieces.

There's more to this branch of the build to be covered in part 2, but after some brainstorming, that will be a few more Amazon purchases away. Note the beginnings of the mouse build in the right-hand portion of this photo. I'll have to learn how to weld brass to keep that branch of the build going.
More to follow!